187 cm in Feet: All about Height Conversion

87 cm in Feet: All about Height Conversion

Measurement of height can either be in the use of the metric system or the imperial system. These two are the most used measuring systems for height all over the world. The former is the general use in many countries, and it employs centimeters and meters to indicate height. The latter is mainly applied in the United States and a handful of other countries; it employs feet and inches to outline height.

For someone who is 187 cm tall, probably the conversion of such a length in centimeters to feet and inches will be somewhat confusing at first, but it is actually pretty straightforward. Thus, in this paper we shall briefly state how to calculate from 187 cm to feet, discuss why understanding heights measured in two different systems is important, and give insights into exactly why knowing this conversion can be handy in different situations.

Basics: the Centimeters to Feet Conversion

Before we get into the explicit conversion, let’s do some refresher work on the following measures:
1 foot = 30.48 centimeters
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1 foot = 12 inches
These basic values will come in handy for us in the centimeters-to-feet-and-inches conversion.
How to Convert 187 cm to Feet and Inches

To convert 187 cm to feet, we divide the total centimeters by number of centimeters per foot. Let’s do that step-by-step:

Step 1: Convert centimeters to feet There, we start with dividing the centimeters by 30.48 since there are 30.48 centimeters in a foot.

187 cm​
=6.135 feet
Thus, 187 cm is about 6.135 feet.

Step 2: Quantize feet and inches Since we generally don’t expect to examine height in decimal feet-for example, “6.135 feet,” we usually prefer splitting the number up into feet and inches First, take the decimal component, 0.135, multiply it by 12 inches there are 12 inches in a foot, to convert it to inches.
Inches=0.135×12=1.62 inches
So 187 cm is approximately 6 feet and 1.62 inches.

Round inches People round inches to the nearest integer for simplification. Thus, 1.62 inches would round to about 1.6 inches. Thus, 187 cm is approximately the same as 6 feet and 1.6 inches.

Conversion Summary: 187 cm as Feet and Inches

In summary, a conversion from 187 cm corresponds to about 6 feet 1.6 inches.

Why Height Conversion Matters

Measuring height is one of the important parts of our body identity, and knowing how to convert from one measurement system to another can prove very handy in many situations. Here are a few reasons why knowing your height in both centimeters and feet/inches makes all the difference:

1. International Travel

For example, if you are going to a country that operates on a measuring system other than the one you know, you should make sure you know how to convert your height; for instance, if you come from Europe to the United States, people still ask you how tall you are but they want you to say it in terms of feet and inches instead of centimeters

2. Medical Records

In some countries, people write height in centimeters whereas other countries record it in feet and inches. For instance, both measurements help make medical forms, physicals, and health assessments easier to read.

3. Sports and Fitness

Height is, indeed a dominating factor in many games, especially basketball and volleyball. For some leagues, height is typically indicated in feet and inches. Familiarity with your height in both forms will come in handy especially when competing or self-ranking against international league competitors.

4. Clothing Sizes

When you purchase clothes from another country via the internet, you usually find charts that show the sizes of the buyer’s counterpart, though the height is measured in a different scale. Therefore, if you know both centimeters and feet/inches, this makes buying much easier.

Comparative Average Heights

To get a more vivid view of 187 cm, let’s outline this with average heights in different countries:

Global Mean Height: Global average height is projected to stand at 170.1 cm, or approximately 5 feet 7 inches, for males, and at 159.6 cm, or about 5 feet 3 inches, for females.
United States: The average height for males is roughly about 175.3 cm, or around 5 feet 9 inches, while that for the female is estimated at about 161.8 cm, or about 5 feet 4 inches.
Netherlands: Some of the tallest people can be found in the Netherlands, and the average height of males is given at around 183.8 cm, or about 6 feet.
From the above figures, we can clearly see that a person who stands 187 cm tall is above average even for countries whose overall population is tall.

Tall Celebrity 187 cm Tall-

More interested in what 187 cm compares to? Here is the list of other celebrities that are roughly at this same height:

Tom Hiddleston – the English actor and everyone’s favorite Loki in the Marvel Cinematic Universe-stands at an estimated 187 cm.

Chris Hemsworth- another significant star in the Marvel universe, he is an Australian actor and the actor of Thor-is also said to be at the same height of 187 cm.
David Beckham The 187 cm tall former English footballer is arguably one of the best midfielders in his sport.


Finally, 187 cm is equal to 6 feet 1.6 inches. So it’s above the average height almost everywhere in the world. It might be useful if you are trying to convert your own height or someone else’s. This is a very useful piece of information at least in international contexts, for medical records, and when shopping or playing sports.

Height conversion is one of those tiny details, but being in this globalized world, it’s pretty important to know how to express some measurements in these systems. Now, regardless of whether you are 187 cm or not, studying these conversions will clarify how people around the world count their height.

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